Monday, 21 March 2011

Zombies! :O

Can't remember a great deal of this one, but it was zombie based :D
There was something to do with getting the bus into town, and there were these 2 people on it who are usually on it as well. Everyone got off the bus and went into their house because there was a zombie invasion. Two zombies came crawling along the floor so I grabbed a fork out of the drawer in the kitchen and stab them in the head. It felt like sticking a fork into a raw potato. I grabbed various other bits and pieces like a knife and what not from there and went home.

When I got there, I looked around for someone. I went into my brothers room and his window was wide open. I looked out of it and he was running off with some friends. I continued looking around and my mum and dad appeared and I explained the situation.

And that's about all I can remember XD

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